SunnyPilot – Installation Guide

WARNING: If you have a brand new device please install Dashcam mode first, uninstall that, then install the latest stock openpilot first, then install a different SunnyPilot. There are necessary updates to the Comma device that need to take place first.

1. Make sure your device has been reset and other software has been uninstalled: How to uninstall software from Comma 3X/3/2

2. Once your device is on the “Choose Software to Install” screen, you will click on “Custome Software (Advanced)”, Type in this install URL for the latest SunnyPilot (Stable):

or just:


Sunnypilot can also fingerprint cars that aren’t so easy to detect in OpenPilot. That’s due to Sunnypilot having newer cars first, since their devs can port cars in before OpenPilot, or before they send their code to merge in OpenPilot. Also, Sunnypilot lets you manually select your car (so do other forks). That can help recognize your car.

SunnyPilot vs openpilot

Installation URL for sunnypilot’s branches

release-c3: sunnyhaibin/release-c3
dev-c3: sunnyhaibin/dev-c3

How to install different branches on the Comma 3X/3

Go to the SunnyPilot GitHub:

You will be loaded in the ‘master’ branch.

Go ahead and pick the branch you want, for this example we will pick ‘release-c3’:

To create the install URL for this, you will type this:

Basically, you will add the branch name after<Insert branch name here>