Comma FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Comma

My Car isn’t on the Comma Compatibility list, is it supported?

Short answer: No, unless you know how to code and create the software and hardware interface for Comma to connect to your car.

Long Answer: Technically anyone can develop the software interface and create the harness for any car (That has lane keep assist and somewhat advanced cruise control).
The problem is, it’s fairly hard. You need to be able to create the wiring harness, you then need to be able to reverse engineer the signals in your cars wiring harness and then have Comma take over to control the electric steering, gas, and brake.
Most people who ask this question of “My cars not on the list, how hard would it be to port my car over to comma?” don’t have the software development background to actually be able to do that. If they did, they would be in the discords discussing with other people who have done that.
You would need a Panda, custom wiring harness, and other software tools for your laptop to be able to read the signals for your car.

Why are the newer Toyotas not supported?

Short Answer: The comma teams haven’t cracked the Toyota Security Key for the new Toyotas (That have the Self-driving tech called TSS 3.0)

Long Answer: Comma only supports Toyotas with TSS 2.5+, 2,5, 2, 1.
Most of the newer Toyotas released will have TSS (TOYOTA SAFETY SENSE) 3.0. Some 2024 cars still have TSS 2.5+ (Like the 2024 RAV4).
TSS 3.0 is vastly different than any other TSS version, it has eye tracking and an advanced encryption that was not as easy to crack as the other TSS versions. There is progress being made but the best shot that we have is for everyone to purchase the “Vote for Toyota Security” in the Comma Shop: (Scroll all the way to the bottom to see it). If everyone buys that, Comma will give themselves 6 months to crack it. If they crack it within that time frame, then we win. If Comma can’t crack it, then we get our money back (However many votes you bought). So if this is something you want, please purchase it.

Does Comma ever go on sale?

Yes Comma does have sales but it seems like they only offer the harness for free. So you pay full price for the Comma device, but then the $200 harness is included for free.

Sales typically happen on: Fourth of July, and BlackFriday/CyberMonday.
Historically, these are the dates in the past that we have seen:
March 12 2024, Nov 20 2023 (which they called their “only sale of the year”), Nov 21 2022, March 14 2022, Nov 23 2021, Sep 7 2020,

Black Friday Friday 29 November 2024

Cyber Monday Monday 2 December 2024

In March 2024 Comma offered $200 off of the 3X with select vehicle harness.

In November 2023 Comma offered $100 off of the 3X for Black Friday.

In November 2022 Comma offered $250 off of the 3 for Black Friday.

So they are kind of random, but we think Fourth of July, and BlackFriday/CyberMonday will be the most guaranteed dates.

However, at the current price as of 2024, $1250+$200 (Harness), we think this is a crazy good deal just by itself. It is cheaper than the Tesla self driving by magnitudes. So from that perspective, it is a great deal/discount!

Does Comma cause more wear and tear on the car?

Short answer: No.

Long Answer: your Comma Compatible car has electric motors that the steering wheel uses to turn the wheel. Comma turning your car or you turning it, is the same thing.
People also worry about gas/brake usage. Now Comma and most other Self driving tech have a problem of being to hard or rough on the gas and brake. However, cruise control is a gas and time saver, since it’s more consistent:

Bottom line, Comma does NOT cause more wear or tear on your car. And its consistency probably helps your car last longer.

Does Comma drive better than stock Cruise Control Systems.

Short Answer: 100% YES

Long Answer: Stock cruise control systems (Including the most advanced ones like Tesla Autosteer, Mercedes, KIA, Hyundai, Toyota TSS, etc.) all require you to interact with the car for the car to know you are paying attention, whether its flicking the wheel every 30 seconds like most of the car companies have you do, or some even have some sort of camera that can track your face. They are still much more limited as far as detecting complex lanes, roads, and other standard road mechanisms.

Comma performs better than 99% of the stock driving systems. It doesn’t make you flick the steering wheel, you can have your hands off the controls for hours on end, mostly for highway use. But it’s fairly comparable in city driving.

Specifically, Comma outperforms most Advanced Lane Keep assist systems with its advanced algorithms on how to handle tight turns. All cars that are Comma compatible have fairly week steering motors for self driving. So Comma preplans the turns and tries its best to steer your car without any input. This system is more advanced than any stock system in Comma compatible vehicles.

Is comma worth it?

I absolutely think it is 100% worth it. It was even worth it at $3,500 (When I bought it). It is now an even better deal for only $1,250 (+$250 for the cars harness).
I have a 2020 Tesla model 3 with AutoSteer (Beta) and it is the worst system I have ever tried. It gives me a headache because it keeps asking for a steering wheel tug and never seems to recognize it. I was given a warning for “not paying attention” even though I had both hands on the wheel and was facing the road.

Comma/openpilot on the other hand is amazing. On long roadtrips, I can go from not touching the wheel for hours at a time on the highway. Even for my 50-140 minute commute through downtown Denver, it is worth it. I can relax on my way to work. I have to do 90% of the city driving but once I get on the highway, it’s set and forget.

I took a long road trip from Denver (CO) to St.Louis (MO): 12 Hours, 851 miles.
I was able to do the drive in my 2021 Highlander and I did it all by myself. I didn’t have to take too many breaks (Except for food and gas) and I didn’t touch the wheel for hours at a time. Once I reached St.Louis, I wasn’t even that tired. I was seriously relaxing the whole time. It was like I was a passenger.

What is the best fork for comma?

Start out with OpenPilot. All forks are customized and built with different visions. It’s up to you to decide. You can easily download and try different forks and see what you like the most. You can also check out the reviews on this website or join the Community Discords for each fork to see what people like about them.
Check out our Forks Comparison Guide!

Which Fork can set following distance?

Technically all forks can set the following distance. In the newer updates, they added driving profiles. These driving profiles change the following distance. Aggressive: Close Following Distance (Good for slow traffic) – Standard/Default/Normal: Normal Following distance (Good for normal driving) – Relaxed: Long Following distance (If you want a lot of distance between the car in front of you). These driving profiles also change acceleration profiles.

Is Comma/openpilot safe?

Short Answer: Yes, but you still have to pay 100% attention to the road.

Long Answer: Comma is still just a really advanced Lane Keep assist and auto Cruise Control mechanis. It is just insanely advanced and can give you confidence in its capabilities.

Comma does really well with motorcycle detection. And in our tests it seems to get better at these every new driving model update:
1. Curb detection (Detecting edges/curbes of the street)
2. Motorcycle detection
3. Highway Curve handling

We have seen continous improvements on those three fronts.

However, you still have to pay attention. If there is construction, cones, or other road abnormalities, please take control.

Are the openpilot forks safe?

All forks on this website comply with the safety requirements set by Comma. So they should be as safe as the ‘stock’ openpilot.
Keep in mind, some forks allow you to change a lot of options. So you must be aware of what you set for the most ideal driving dynamic.

Does openpilot/Comma work in other countries besides the U.S?

Short Answer: YES

Long Answer:
There are users around the world using Comma. The DragonPilot community on Facebook is giant mainly Chinese. There are Comma opensource contributors from other countries that use and test the features of Comma and openpilot.

Comma automatically detects if the car is right-hand drive or left-hand drive.
Comma is also trained on many road signs, lane appearances, and other factors from other countires.

Comma also offers shipping in almost every country in the world.

Still remember to use caution when driving and using the Comma device in your vehicle.

CRAZY COUNTRIES are not supported. Like India, Pakistan, and other countries where people don’t follow lanes, driving rules, or drive on the other side of the road. I’ve travelled to countries like Pakistan, and Comma would not work there at all except for on major roadways/highways with CLEAR lane lines and people following the rules PERCISELY.

Comma does not react fast enough for those countries and would not work at all.

Should I upgrade from my Comma 2?

The Comma 3/3X is a huge upgrade from the Comma 2. We have tested the Comma 2 extensively and all of them have failed (Even the Chinese clones) for one reason or another. We had 3 Comma 2’s and they each failed for different reasons: USB port failed, Screen failed, Main Logic board failed.
On the other hand, we now have had 2 Comma 3’s, 1 for 2 years now and the other for 1 year. They have never given us any problem. The longest Comma 2 we had survived for around 1 year max. They aren’t bad and certainly a fantastic way to get into the Comma scene, but the Comma 3/3X is a whole other experience. The newest driving models available to the new Comma devices are insanely better. Not only that, but you can see your driving stats in the Comma Connect feature:

So we definitely recommend the Comma 3/3X, more reliability and a many more features.

Is Comma Connect worth it? What is Comma Connect?

Comma Connect gives you this functionality ($10/m Lite):

  • 24/7 Cellular Connectivity to the Comma Device (SSH from anywhere)
  • Take Pictures remotely (From your phone, wherever the car is)
  • 1 year storage of drives (Dashcam footage)
  • Simple SSH for developers
  • Turn-by-turn Navigation

    The features we like the most are: 1 year video storage, and the Navigation.
    The Navigation feeds the Experimental mode driving model and it can kind of take exits/turns for you (Steering torque limited by cars steering motors).

    However, the navigation feature can be had for free by installing one of openpilots many branches: OpenPilot Branches/Forks
    You can download openstreet maps and have navigation that way with the feeding of the expiremental model. However, we don’t find this that amazing, as it is. There are still a lot of improvements to come from Comma, so we will wait until it is really worth it.

    There is also a $24/m subscription that gives you a data plan and hotspot functionality.

    We also do recommend subscribing if you just want to generally support Comma.
Is Comma Ai / openpilot free?

Aside from the initial purchase of your Comma device (3X/3/2), openpilot and the other forks are completely free.
Comma does have a subscription service called Comma Connect which basically gives you live GPS and stores more of your footage on the cloud. Learn more about it here:

Additionally, SunnyPilot and FrogPilot do accept money for feature requests, and other ways to generally support their development.

More Comma Resources

Our comprehensive suite of Comma Resources is here for you to get started in the world of Comma

Check our openpilot installation guides! – These guides include all the major forks/branches of openpilot.

Also, check out our Fork/Branch comparison for the major openpilot forks