Comma/OpenPilot Terms, Phrases and Acronyms

ACC – Adaptive Cruise Control
ADAS – Advanced Driver Assistance System
AOL – Always On Lateral
AP – Autopilot (Tesla specific)
AEB – Automatic Emergency Braking
ALC – Automatic Lane Centering/Change
BSM – Blind Spot Monitoring
C2 – Comma Two device
C3 – Comma Three device
C3X – Comma Three V2 device
CEM – Conditional Experiment Mode
Clone – Unofficial openpilot device
DM – Driver Monitoring
DP – DragonPilot
DSU – Driver Support Unit (Toyota specific) see below: SDSU
E2E – End to End (Machine learning method)
FCW – Forward Collision Warning
FP – FrogPilot
FSD – Full Self Driving
Geo / GeoHot – George Hotz ( CEO/Founder)
HDA I/II – Highway Drive Assist (Hyundai specific)
HKG – Hyundai / Kia / Genesis
Jacob – Praise our Lord and Savior @Jacob Pfeifer! :Praydge:
LA – Los Angeles Model
LDW – Lane Departure Warning

LFA – Lane Follow Assist
LTA – Lane Trace Assist (Toyota specific)

LKA – Lane Keep Assist
LKAS – Lane Keep Assist System
MADSModified Assisted Driving Safety (SunnpyPilot)
MPC – Model Predictive Control
MTSC – Map based turn speed control
NLP – New Lane Planner / New Lemon Pie
NNFF – Neural Network FeedForward
NoA – Navigate on Autopilot (Tesla specific)
NoO – Navigate on Openpilot
OP – Openpilot (software)
OPGM – Nworby’s openpilot project to bring openpilot functionality to GM vehicles
OPTK – Openpilot Toolkit
OSM – Open Street Maps
OTA – Over-the-air (updates)
RCTA – Rear Cross Traffic Alert
RDM – Road Departure Mitigation (Honda specific)
RSA – Road Sign Assist (Toyota specific)

SCC – Smart Cruise Control
SDSU – Community enhanced DSU
SLC – Speed Limit Control
SP – SunnyPilot
TACC – Traffic aware cruise control (Tesla specific)
TSS – Toyota Safety Sense (multiple versions with varying capabilities)
UI – User Interface
UX – User Experience
VTSC – Vision based turn speed control
ZSS – Zorrobyte Steering Sensor

What is a fork?

A “fork” in software development refers to the act of taking the source code of an existing software project and creating a new, independent project from it. This allows developers to explore new ideas, add features, or take the software in a different direction without affecting the original project. In the context of openpilot by Comma Ai, forks like DragonPilot, SunnyPilot, and FrogPilot are variations of the original openpilot software, each tailored with additional features or modifications that differentiate them from the original.

SunnyPilot Info:

  • Modified Assistive Driving Safety (MADS) – Automatic Lane Centering (ALC) / Lane Keep Assist System (LKAS) and Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) / Smart Cruise Control (SCC) can be engaged independently of each other
  • Dynamic Lane Profile (DLP) – Dynamically switch lane profile (between Laneful and Laneless) based on lane recognition confidence
  • Enhanced Speed Control – Automatically adjust cruise control speed using vision model, OpenStreetMap (OSM) data, and/or Speed Limit control (SLC) without user interaction
    • Vision-based Turn Speed Control (V-TSC) – lower speed when going around corners using vision model
    • Map-Data-based Turn Speed Control (M-TSC) – lower speed when going around corners using OSM data2
    • Speed Limit Control (SLC) – Set speed limit based on map data or car interface (if applicable)
    • HKG only: Highway Driving Assist (HDA) status integration – Use cars native speed sign detection to set desired speed (on applicable HKG cars only)
  • Gap Adjust Cruise (GAC) – Allow GAP/INTERVAL/DISTANCE button on the steering wheel or on-screen button to adjust the follow distance from the lead car. See table below for options
    • Quiet Drive 🤫 – Toggle to mute all notification sounds (excluding driver safety warnings)
    • Auto Lane Change Timer – Set a timer to delay the auto lane change operation when the blinker is used. No nudge on the steering wheel is required to auto lane change if a timer is set
    • Force Car Recognition (FCR) – Use a selector to force your car to be recognized by sunnypilot
    • Fix sunnypilot No Offroad – Enforce sunnypilot to go offroad and turns off after shutting down the car. This feature fixes non-official devices running sunnypilot without comma power
    • Enable ACC+MADS with RES+/SET- – Engage both ACC and MADS with a single press of RES+ or SET- button
    • Offline OSM Maps – OSM database can now be downloaded locally for offline use3. This enables offline SLC, V-TSC and M-TSC. Currently available for US South, US West, US Northeast, Florida, Taiwan, South Africa and New Zealand
    • Various Live Tuning – Ability to tailor your driving experience on the fly:
      • Enforce Torque Lateral Control – Use the newest torque controller for all vehicles.
      • Torque Lateral Control Live Tune – Ability to adjust the torque controller’s FRICTION and LAT_ACCEL_FACTOR values to suit your vehicle.
      • Torque Lateral Controller Self-Tune – Enable automatic turning for the Torque controller.

Visual Enhancements

  • M.A.D.S Status Icon – Dedicated icon to display M.A.D.S. engagement status
    • Green🟢: M.A.D.S. engaged
    • White⚪: M.A.D.S. suspended or disengaged
  • Lane Path Color – Various lane path colors to display real-time Lane Model and M.A.D.S. engagement status
    • 0.8.14 and later:
      • Blue🔵: Laneful mode & M.A.D.S. engaged
      • Green🟢: Laneless mode & M.A.D.S. engaged
      • Yellow🟡: Experimental e2e & M.A.D.S. engaged
    • Pre 0.8.14:
      • Green🟢: Laneful mode & M.A.D.S. engaged
      • Red🔴: Laneless mode & M.A.D.S. engaged
    • White⚪: M.A.D.S. suspended or disengaged
    • Black⚫: M.A.D.S. engaged, steering is being manually overridden by user
  • Developer (Dev) UI – Display various real-time metrics on screen while driving
  • Stand Still Timer – Display time spent at a stop with M.A.D.S engaged (i.e., at traffic lights, stop signs, traffic congestions)
  • Braking Status – Current car speed text turns red when the car is braking by the driver or ACC/SCC