FrogPilot – Installation Guide

WARNING: If you have a brand new device please install Dascham mode first, uninstall that, then install the latest stock openpilot first, then install a different FrogPilot. There are necessary updates to the Comma device that need to take place first.

Installation is super easy:

1. Make sure your device has been reset and other software has been uninstalled: How to uninstall software from Comma 3X/3/2

2. Once your device is on the “Choose Software to Install” screen, you will click on “Custome Software (Advanced)”, Type in this install URL for the latest Frog Pilot (Stable):

That’s it!

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Frog Pilot Dev Branch?

The developer of FrogPilot says not to use the developer branch for FrogPilot, reason being, he is constantly working and breaking things on their. So unlike OpenPilot (Master-CI) and some other forks, you DO NOT want to use the Beta/Dev branch on FrogPilot at all. It’s not a bad thing and doesn’t knock any points off from FrogPilot as it’s updates are always amazing.

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