openpilot Fork Comparisons

openpilotSunnyPilotFrogPilotDragonPilot (This list is still under progress)
Updates and Performance
Comma Connect
Vision Based Speed Control for sharp turns
*Only in Experimental
Being able to edit offset speed on sharp turns
GPS/Car based speed limit update
Offline Maps (Free GPS)
Driving Model Selector
UI Customization
Always On Lateral Mode
Dynamic Experimental mode
Fleet Manager
Maniac/Traffic Mode (Closer following than Aggresive

This is a basic comparison chart for the most popular branches of openpilot.

Here is what those categories mean:

Updates and Performance

The branch is promptly updated in tandem with Comma’s release schedule for openpilot. This ensures that the branch remains at the forefront of technological advancement, incorporating the latest driving models, features, car compatibility, and more.

Comma Connect

The branch seamlessly integrates your Comma 3/3X device with Comma Connect, enabling the activation of subscription services (Connect Prime or Lite). A Connect subscription enriches your openpilot experience by unlocking GPS functionality and providing expanded storage for driving recordings. Learn more about Comma Connect.

Additionally, DragonPilot distinguishes itself with a proprietary web-based application, offering a unique approach to user interaction and data management.

Vision Based Speed Control for Sharp Turns & Speed Offsets

Openpilot introduces an innovative vision-based speed control feature that intuitively adjusts your vehicle’s speed for sharp turns, circumventing the torque limit of the car’s electronic steering control. This advanced capability is currently available exclusively in Experimental Mode. While promising, Experimental Mode is not recommended for everyday use, particularly on highways, due to its developmental nature.

Alternative branches have developed their proprietary speed control mechanisms for navigating sharp turns. These alternatives allow users to customize speed offsets and other settings, ensuring the vehicle automatically decelerates when approaching sharp bends, such as those encountered on highways. However, we advise caution when utilizing this feature, especially during aggressive maneuvers, as it may significantly reduce your speed and potentially disrupt traffic flow. Vigilance is paramount—always be prepared to manually override the system when necessary to maintain safety and efficiency on the road.

GPS/Car Based Speed Limit Update

Openpilot, in conjunction with a Comma Connect subscription, leverages live GPS data, speed, and turning information to enhance its hands-free driving capabilities. This system is designed to provide a more autonomous driving experience by adjusting the vehicle’s speed to match real-time conditions.

For those seeking alternatives to a monthly subscription, other branches offer two distinct options for speed adjustment:

  1. GPS-Based Speed Updates: This option utilizes pre-downloaded GPS data to modify the vehicle’s current speed. Users can apply an offset to the current speed limit (e.g., setting a +10MPH offset on a 60MPH speed limit, allowing the vehicle to accelerate up to 70MPH).
  2. Car-Based Speed Updates: This method relies on the vehicle’s onboard scanner to detect and adjust to speed limit signs, updating the system accordingly.

While these features offer additional flexibility in speed regulation, we exercise caution in their use. Pre-downloaded GPS data may not always reflect the most current speed limits, and the vehicle’s scanner might not detect every speed limit sign, leading to potential inaccuracies. These limitations suggest that these features might not be reliable for everyday use. However, we encourage users to experiment with these options and determine their suitability on an individual basis.

Offline Maps (Free GPS)

Openpilot’s GPS features are accessible exclusively through Comma Connect, necessitating both a subscription and a continuous internet connection, achievable via a Wi-Fi hotspot or Comma Prime. This setup ensures that drivers can leverage real-time navigation and updates for a seamless journey.

Diverging from this model, alternative forks of openpilot empower users with the ability to pre-download map files covering entire countries or states. This functionality DOES NOT replace the GPS Comma Connect gives you. It is just used for telling you what street you are on, and speed limit updates. That’s it. To have experimental mode use GPS input, you have to have Comma connect, and use your phone to enter the destination.

Driving Model Selector

Comma continuously innovates with the development of multiple driving models, ensuring that each release of openpilot is equipped with the latest advancements. However, this approach means the driving model is fixed upon each new release, offering no option for reverting to or choosing previous models.

In contrast, alternative branches of openpilot provide a level of customization by allowing users to select from previous models that were released with the software, such as Blue Diamond, Los Angeles, Farmville, and Hot Coffee. This feature caters to a diverse user base, including those in different countries or individuals who have found a preference for the performance of older models in their daily commutes.

While new models are designed to improve upon previous iterations, enhancements in certain areas may lead to slight regressions in others. The goal remains to continuously refine and elevate the driving experience with each new model. The flexibility offered by other branches to choose among various models ensures that users can tailor their openpilot experience to best suit their preferences and driving conditions.

UI Customization

The expanded features available in alternative forks of openpilot significantly enhance user visibility and interaction with the system. These forks offer deeper insights into the software’s operations, such as visual cues for braking, accelerating, and other vehicle actions, making for a more informed driving experience.

SunnyPilot: Boasting a sleek, polished, and contemporary design, SunnyPilot elevates the user interface with customizable options. Users can personalize their dashboard to display various metrics like distance, car speed, and diagnostic data. Beyond visual customization, SunnyPilot also offers the flexibility to modify audible alerts, allowing for a tailored auditory feedback that enhances the overall driving ambiance.

FrogPilot: Maintaining the core aesthetic of the openpilot interface, FrogPilot introduces a layer of customization through adjustable parameters and engaging holiday themes, complete with unique sound effects. It goes a step further by offering the option to replace standard openpilot notifications with Tesla-inspired sounds among other alternatives, adding a touch of personality and fun to the user experience.

DragonPilot: Like its counterparts, DragonPilot leverages customizable UI elements to improve user engagement and satisfaction. By allowing users to modify the interface according to their preferences, DragonPilot enhances the practicality and enjoyment of the openpilot experience.

Together, these forks not only diversify the look and feel of the openpilot system but also empower users with greater control over how they interact with and understand their vehicle’s autonomous features.

Always on Lateral Control

This popular feature lets the Comma device handle the steering while you take care of braking and accelerating. If you want the Comma to start controlling the braking and accelerating again, just press the ‘res’ button on your cruise control. And if you press the brakes, don’t worry—the Comma will keep steering for you until you press the cruise control button to turn it off completely. This makes driving easier by letting you switch between manual and automatic controls smoothly.

Dynamic Experimental Mode

Dynamic Experimental Mode stands out as our top pick, brilliantly bridging the gap between city and highway driving needs. In city environments, cluttered with stoplights and signs, Experimental Mode shines by adeptly managing these frequent stops. However, its cautious approach becomes a liability on the highway, where its tendency to slow down excessively can verge on being hazardous. This cautiousness is due to its current status as a beta feature, with Comma actively refining its performance to address these concerns.

The true innovation comes with the introduction of Dynamic Experimental Mode. This feature smartly toggles between normal and experimental modes, activating the latter for complex maneuvers such as navigating sharp turns or approaching stoplights, and reverting to normal mode on open, straight roads. This seamless transition offers drivers the “best of both worlds,” ensuring optimal safety and efficiency regardless of the driving scenario. Dynamic Experimental Mode represents a significant stride towards a more adaptable and intuitive driving experience, highlighting Comma’s commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

Fleet Manager
Fleet Manger on sunnypilot allows viewing dashcam footage, screen recordings, and error logs by connecting to the comma device via the same network, with your mobile device or PC. Big thanks to actuallylemoncurd, AlexandreSato, ntegan1, and royjr.

The network can be set up by Wi-Fi, mobile hotspot, or tethering on the comma device. Navigate to http://tici:5050/ OR http://ipAddress:5050 to access.

FrogPilot Fleet Manager:

Maniac Mode (Follows closer than Aggressive)

Exclusive to SunnyPilot (and FrogPilot) for select fully compatible vehicles, Maniac Mode redefines the boundaries of driving assistance by offering unprecedentedly close following distances and swift acceleration, surpassing even the Aggressive setting in intensity.

Our preference leans towards the Aggressive mode for everyday driving, largely due to its balanced approach that significantly reduces motion sickness in comparison to the standard mode. The latter, while reliable, tends to maintain excessive distance from the vehicle ahead in dense traffic conditions, leading to abrupt accelerations. A tighter following distance, as provided by Aggressive mode, addresses this by ensuring smoother traffic flow and more responsive maneuvering.

Maniac Mode (SunnyPilot), however, elevates the driving experience to new heights, enhancing the aggressiveness of the vehicle’s following and acceleration capabilities. While this mode offers a thrilling drive, it demands cautious use due to its intensified dynamics. For daily driving, we recommend sticking to Aggressive mode, reserving Maniac Mode for those moments when you desire an extra edge and are fully aware of its robustness. Proceed with awareness, as safety should always remain the top priority.

Traffic Mode (FrogPilot):

So FrogPilot technically has a “Manic Mode”, it’s just called “Traffic Mode” and dynamically adjusts the following distance between 0 and 55mph making it more aggressive the slower it goes. 0.5 seconds at 0mph, 0.75 seconds at 27.5 mph, and 1.0 seconds at 55mph for example. Also Maniac is 1.0 iirc and “Custom Personalities” allows you to set all 3 personality profiles to 1.0 if you really want to.


SunnyPilot: They have grown their dev team and have created a very polished look for their fork.

FrogPilot: Has innovated on a lot of features, they are very tied in with the FrogPilot community on Discord and have a nice feature bounty people can donate money to.

DragonPilot: The OG in Toyota handling, their Toyota Steering was legendary when it came out and has been adopted in SunnyPilot and FrogPilot. They continue to advance their feature set.
ALSO, DragonPilot community still updates the fork for the Comma 2, bringing Comma to people worldwide who can’t afford a 3/3X.

Installation guides