openpilot vs SunnyPilot

If you are choosing between openpilot and SunnyPilot, you came to the right place!

See fork comparison table for full explanations of table categories.

openpilotSunnyPilotFrogPilotDragonPilot (This list is still under progress)
Updates and Performance
Comma Connect
Vision Based Speed Control for sharp turns
*Only in Experimental
Being able to edit offset speed on sharp turns
GPS/Car based speed limit update
Offline Maps (Free GPS)
Driving Model Selector
UI Customization
Always On Lateral Mode
Dynamic Experimental mode
Fleet Manager
Maniac/Traffic Mode (Closer following than Aggresive

If you are new, we always recommend using stock openpilot first. It’s best to learn how openpilot reacts towards driving situations.
Once you get familiar with openpilot, then you should try all the features and customization’s available in SunnyPilot.

The only driving customization you have with the stock openpilot are the driving profiles: Aggressive, Standard, and RelaxedSunnyPilot (DP* & FP*) have a lot of customization for driving dynamics and UI configurations.
openpilot turns everything off once you hit the brakes. Always on Lateral – This means you can enable the option to have SunnyPilot control the steering while you control the gas and the brakes.
To use GPS, you have to have the Comma Connect subscription and have cellular or Wi-Fi (hotspot) connection at all times. Offline Maps available – Gives you Speed Limit updates and shows what roads you are on. You also have the option to use Comma Connect.
Speed control is only set by the user with the steering wheel.
Curve speeds are not adjusted in normal driving, only in experimental will Curve Speed change (It’s a bit too slow for our liking most times).
You can set speed limit offsets, curve speed adjusters and much more. Be careful with these options, we have found that it can slow down a bit too much sometimes.
openpilot steering tuning is one and done. They have improved it a lot. SunnyPilot has the option to choose between steering tuning algorithms.
Which include the legendary DragonPilot tuning, openpilot (Stock), and some more.
openpilot braking and acceleration can change a lot depending on the newer models they release. Braking and acceleration is the bread and butter of the other forks. SunnyPilot responses differently, in our testing SunnyPilot, DragonPilot, and FrogPilot offer much better braking and acceleration.
Static Experimental mode – Experimental mode is the latest and greatest from Comma. However, it’s still beta software so it’s not that good most of the time. That’s why they are constantly improving it and waiting until it’s perfect to release. Dynamic Experimental mode –
This allows SunnyPilot to choose when Experimental mode is applied. This is one of our favorite features. It enables and disables experimental mode during certain conditions.
Scroll down to read more.
If you are using the latest openpilot, there’s no option for other driving models.Option to select older driving models.
Some people like the way other models drive, SunnyPilot lets you choose which model you want to use with the latest features SunnyPilot has to offer.
SunnyPilot has much much more to offer. Check back here often for more updates on this page.
DP = DragonPilot, FP= FrogPilot, SP= SunnyPilot

Dynamic Experimental Mode:

To understand how Dynamic Experimental Mode behaves, we have to understand Stock openpilot Experimental Mode.

Stock Experimental Mode (Available in all branches):
This mode can control your car to slow down to a stop at stop signs, stop lights, and can slow down enough to make really tight turns.

The problem with Experimental Mode is that it’s very cautious, similar to Tesla’s FSD Beta. In our testing, it slows down too much way to often to be used everyday, especially on the highway. Obviously, Comma knows about this and that’s why it’s in Beta. Experimental Mode also allows openpilot to follow the GPS as well.

Dynamic Experimental Mode:

Experimental mode is really good for slow speeds and driving through the city, as it stops for stop-lights and stop-signs.

Dynamic Experimental Mode enables Experimental Mode for tight turns and city driving. This brings the best of both worlds as the Default Driving is best for highway driving.

For openpilot and SunnyPilot installation instructions

This page contains some comparisons from all the branches